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Melodic Stars


I have been in Germany for 8 months. Ikeekeee is my best partner since 3 months ago. Veit introduces his cat to me. Every day when I finished my language school, I cute cat waited for me in front of my door. You can never imagine how much fun it brings to me. Some mornings I even will receive one bloody mouse as a present. Window cat He is a big boss here. When I wake up in the moring,…

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Melodic Stars


Such a beautiful afternoon, the sun blink and the wink is dancing. Taking a short rest under the tree, is the most wonderful thing in the world. 在这么一个风和日丽的午后,树下小憩,真是人生第一得意事。 Nothing is better than food;) She is sleeping in my arms. I feel a special kind of being relied on.:)…

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Touched Moon

to revisit the old haunt

It is bright and fresh in early autumn. The trees are set with gold. I am glad to keep company with Hua Zhang. I think this season‘s present guided by him. 在这个明亮清新的初秋。树也有了金色的点缀。庆幸有张华为伴,我想,他这个季节带来的馈赠。时间会带走记忆,但是却带不走摄影师。 The memory can be older and older. But the moment stopping on the picture will be forever…

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Touched Moon

A beautiful afternoon

White feathers floated on green water. Red webbed feet splashed clear ripples. Nothing is much happier. Maybe this is what I want too. I am invited to see the good friends from Zhang Hua, squirrels. Hazelnuts are my gift for first visiting.…

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Touched Moon


This is my third day in Germany. The pattering of drizzle been going on for a whole day, and still will not want to stop now. In fact, I am afraid of rain, cold, night and being alone. But in such a night a lang figure is in front of the window. Nobody knows which direction her shadow can lie on. In the day time, I still explore this land bit by bit where so much my dream and imagination…

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Wandering Fish


我是炎黄子孙,我想这里是炎黄子孙的开始。无论将来飘向何方,认祖归宗落叶归根都是头等大事。 天圆地方,盘古开天地,女娲造人。 暮鼓晨钟。可如今是夕阳西下的光景。不知道,在过去的李朝历代里,有谁站在与我同样的位置。 我本来该属于第四行第三个图腾,可是世事难料,如今我属于第一行的第二个图腾,王。在这认祖归宗的地方,我不禁感慨万千,倒是不知道该供奉求拜何方祖先了。…

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