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Melodic Stars

Soap and skateboard

The beginning idea was to keep the beautiful leaves langer. Then it could even be one of the Christmas presents for friends if it will be sucessful Not that bad, but a little bit different from what I expected Yes, please do not doubt, it is me. Please do not feel surprised that I jumped down to the U bahn station when you next time meet me.…

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Melodic Stars

celebrate New Year’s Eve with molly

We had the new year celebration together. They have all what i wish for my family and friends. haha, kilian will be the last person to care that I posted his foto with crown here. He will not care I possibly write his name wrong. They said, honglay please check the time for us. We will play the firework at exact zero o’clock. haha, of course I checked the time. But we begin our firework after the souds of firework…

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Touched Moon


那些人,那些事,都乱了。     在历尽纠结后,秋子终于年关时,拍拍屁股去了彼国。就留下了往事,在伟大祖国的怀抱里经年。     秋子,该不是那种崇洋媚外的主儿,会觉得外国的月亮比中国圆。但下了飞机后,秋子却确确然地觉得这里应着的景儿,是比家里的甜。…

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Melodic Stars


I don’t know how I can describe this one year’s duration. I come to this placid land and for a breath of free air.  If I am a bird away from her nest, then I should be a migrant bird. My homeland is always out of the east side of this world. But in other seasons I enjoy the gentle climate in such a distant country. Maybe I am more similar to a kite, flying with a line on the…

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Touched Moon

to revisit the old haunt

It is bright and fresh in early autumn. The trees are set with gold. I am glad to keep company with Hua Zhang. I think this season‘s present guided by him. 在这个明亮清新的初秋。树也有了金色的点缀。庆幸有张华为伴,我想,他这个季节带来的馈赠。时间会带走记忆,但是却带不走摄影师。 The memory can be older and older. But the moment stopping on the picture will be forever…

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Touched Moon

A beautiful afternoon

White feathers floated on green water. Red webbed feet splashed clear ripples. Nothing is much happier. Maybe this is what I want too. I am invited to see the good friends from Zhang Hua, squirrels. Hazelnuts are my gift for first visiting.…

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Touched Moon


This is my third day in Germany. The pattering of drizzle been going on for a whole day, and still will not want to stop now. In fact, I am afraid of rain, cold, night and being alone. But in such a night a lang figure is in front of the window. Nobody knows which direction her shadow can lie on. In the day time, I still explore this land bit by bit where so much my dream and imagination…

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