又是一年美丽的季节,2015年的秋天似乎格外的动人并值得去铭记去回忆。秋天本来就是一个落幕的季节,这番瑰丽当然不似盛夏般肆无忌惮 ,无非是散落一身珠翠,经历一场落败,明眸善睐,浅吟低唱。…
That night, an unexpected visitor happened to my home. Guillermo suddenly arrived. He said, tomorrow he would go back to Spain. He was just passing through on the way to other place,and remembered that I live in this area, then was here now. I know, he will go back to Spain soon. But I never thought this moment is coming in a second. Feelings of infinite melancholy stole over me.…
那些人,那些事,都乱了。 在历尽纠结后,秋子终于年关时,拍拍屁股去了彼国。就留下了往事,在伟大祖国的怀抱里经年。 秋子,该不是那种崇洋媚外的主儿,会觉得外国的月亮比中国圆。但下了飞机后,秋子却确确然地觉得这里应着的景儿,是比家里的甜。…
This is my third day in Germany. The pattering of drizzle been going on for a whole day, and still will not want to stop now. In fact, I am afraid of rain, cold, night and being alone. But in such a night a lang figure is in front of the window. Nobody knows which direction her shadow can lie on. In the day time, I still explore this land bit by bit where so much my dream and imagination…
这是一个与童话有关的冬天,有一个虚假不看吹打的蒲公英王子,有一个来自酷星球的蝙蝠侠骑士。落花的流水的,有意的无意的,都冻住在那个历经了年岁,也还愿意,还能够,再想起说起,并娓然而笑的冬季。 …